01. PartyParty
02. DizzyDizzy
03. Sweet Candy PowerSweet Candy Power
04. My Independent CountryMy Independent Country
05. Wave RockWave Rock
06. Ice Cream Cookie SandwichesIce Cream Cookie Sandwiches
07. Never-Never LandNever-Never Land
08. Peppermint AttackPeppermint Attack
09. California Lemon TreesCalifornia Lemon Trees
10. Match3Match3June 5th 2019 RELEASE!
Japan : P-VINE
North America, Mexico, Europe & UK : Good Charamel Records
Australia & New Zealand : Valve Records
3年ぶりとなる待望のニュー・アルバム、ついに完成! キャンディ・パワー炸裂のヴァラエティに富んだ珠玉の10トラック!
ヴァラエティに富みながらもパンクなテイストが全編にあふれる楽しい作品です! -
The missionary of ROCK music
= The quintessence of Shonen Knife!Finally, the new album of Shonen Knife is arrived! It is the first release after 3 years. "Sweet Candy Power" consist of 10 wonderful "Candy Power" tunes which were written by Naoko with affection to ROCK music.
They approached to Hard Rock at "Overdrive" (2014) and "Adventure"(2016). This new album "Sweet Candy Power" includes not only Hard Rock but Punk, Pop, Mersey Beat, Garage, Southern Rock and etc... various kinds of ROCK music. It's a very fun album of Punk Pop taste.
Shonen Knife "Dizzy" MV
Naoko's Liner Notes
01. PartyNaoko:Vocal, Guitar / Atsuko:Bass / Risa:Drums, Back Vocal / Ritsuko, Naru:Back Vocals
- アルバムのオープニングは元気よく、パンクポップな曲調にしました。バイソンやジェリービーンズも登場。キミのパーティーに呼んでほしい!という曲です。
- As a cheerful opening of this album, I made a punk-pop song. Bison and Jelly Beans appear on the lyrics. Invite us to your party!
02. DizzyNaoko:Vocal, Guitar / Atsuko:Bass, Back Vocal / Risa:Drums, Back Vocal
- ライブで客席と一緒に盛り上がることができる曲を作りたくて、手拍子足拍子を入れました。60年代後半か70年代前半のロック、そんなイメージです。
- I want to share a groove with the audience at our show and put hand claps and foot stomps in this song. The image of the song is late 60’s or early 70’s rock.
03. Sweet Candy PowerNaoko:Vocal, Guitar / Atsuko:Bass, Back Vocal / Risa:Drums, Back Vocal
- ほとんど無意識の状態でメロディー作ったらこのような曲が出来上がりました。海外のライブツアーで毎日歌をうたって喉が疲れた時には飴を舐めるという、実体験に基づいた唄です。「甘い」と「Am I」、日本語と英語のことば遊びを思いついたので、歌詞に入れました。はじけた曲になりました。
- I made this melody lines unconsciously. This song is about that I usually eat candies when I had sore throat during tours. The pronunciation “Am I” is “a-ma-i” which means “sweet” in Japanese. It’s a word game. This became a fun song.
04. My Independent CountryNaoko:Vocal, Guitar / Naru:Bass / Risa:Drums
- 70年代ブリティッシュハードロック調の曲を作ってみました。歌詞の内容は、自分一人だけの独立国家の開国宣言をする、という自分の妄想です。自分でデザインした国旗、自分で作詞作曲した国歌、すべての法律も自分で作る、なんて想像したら楽しくなりませんか?ヘヴィーなベースは、なるちゃんです。
- I tried to make a 70’s British Hard Rock style song. This lyrics are about “a declaration of independence of my own country” from my imagination. Thinking about make your own National flag, anthem and law by yourself, don’t you think it’s so pleasant, do you? Naru plays the heavy bass.
05. Wave RockNaoko:Vocal, Guitar / Atsuko:Bass, Back Vocal / Risa:Drums, Back Vocal
- 2017年の秋にオーストラリア大陸の西の方にある、Wave Rockでライブしました。Wave Rockというのは波の形の大きな岩で、そこの景色がすごすぎて、歌にしちゃいました。ほんまに、雄大で素晴らしいんです!
- We played at Wave Rock in the Western Australia in 2018, autumn. Wave Rock is a giant rock shaped like big wave. It is so beautiful and I wrote a song about it.
06. Ice Cream Cookie SandwichesRisa:Vocal, Drums / Atsuko:Bass, Back Vocal / Naoko:Guitar
- ドラマー、りさちゃんが歌う曲として、彼女が好きなアイスクリームとクッキーをテーマに作りました。わたしもアイスクリームのクッキーサンドは大好きです。
- I wrote this as Risa’s main vocal song. The theme is Ice Cream and Cookies which Risa’s favorite. Of course I love them too.
07. Never-Never LandNaoko:Vocal, Guitar / Ritsuko:Bass / Risa:Drums
- こういうタイプの曲は今までの少年ナイフにはなかったのではないでしょうか。これは、アレンジに一番苦労した曲です。70年代アメリカンサザンロック風にしてみたら、とてもカッコよくなりました。シブいベースは、りっこちゃんです。歌詞は私の体験実話です。
- I’m sure that it is the first time for us to make a song like this. We made a lot of effort to decide the arrangement. We tried to make it like 70’s American Southern Rock style and it became very suitable. Ritsuko plays cool bass. They lyrics are from my experience.
08. Peppermint AttackNaoko:Vocal, Guitar / Atsuko:Bass, Back Vocal / Risa:Drums, Back Vocal
- 毎年夏になると蚊の攻撃に合うのですが、去年はペパーミントを混ぜた虫よけスプレーを手作りして、それを使ったらすごく効果がありました。そういう歌詞です。メロディーとアレンジは60年代後期から70年代初期のクラシックサイケロックスタイルで。個性的な歌詞と渋めアレンジが絶妙な取り合わせになったと思います。
- I always have mosquito bites in every summer but I didn’t get them so much last year by making peppermint spray. This lyrics are about my real experience. The melody lines and the arrangements are inspired by late 60’s and early 70’s classic psychedelic rock. The combination of unique lyrics and cool arrangement must be fun.
09. California Lemon TreesAtsuko:Vocal, Bass / Risa:Drums, Back Vocal / Naoko:Guitar, Back Vocal
- アメリカ、カリフォルニア在住の、あつこの家にはレモンの木があって、たくさん実がとれます。遊びに行ったときに果汁をしぼって飲ませてもらいました。ビタミンCたっぷり摂れて美容と健康に良い感じ!ということで、あつこのメインボーカルです。日の光を浴びてすくすく育つレモン、すばらしい。
- There are some lemon trees at Atuko’s garden in California, US. The trees are heavy with lemons. I squeezed lemons and drank juice when I visited her. It seemed so healthy with vitamin C. Atsuko sings this song as a main vocalist. Lemon trees under sunshine are wonderful.
10. Match 3Naoko:Vocal, Guitar / Atsuko:Bass / Risa:Drums
- Match 3とは、落ちものゲームの事です。昔からパズルゲームが大好きで、いったい何時間費やしてきた事か!テレビでテニスの試合中継を流しながら、お菓子をつまみつつ落ちものゲームをしているのが私にとって至福の時です。アルバムの最後も元気に締めたいということで。
- Match 3 is a category name of PC, TV or smart phone puzzle games. I love it and spent a lot of time to play it in my life. I feel happy when I’m playing match 3 games, watching a men’s pro tennis match on TV and eating delicious sweets at the same time. The final song of this album is a very cheerful song as the first one.
All songs written by Naoko
Please invite me to your party
Please call me to your party
Coming with my guitar
Like a famous rock star I sing a songPlease invite us to your party
Let’s dance
Please call us to your party
Riding on a bison’s back
Singing Flying Jelly Attack
We’ll be there
Let’s sing
Let’s have a good time and make a toastRiding on a bison’s back
Singing Flying Jelly Attack
We’ll be there -
Dizzy, I feel dizzy
Is it caused by lack of sleep or too much video games?
Though I don’t have a party every night
Is it caused by too much work or by some diet?
But I’m not going to lose weightI know I have lots of doubts and too many anxieties
It’s better for me to go to bed now
And I put both legs into one leg of my pajamas
I laugh away and a load is taken off my mindDizzy, I feel dizzy
Turn round and round
I feel dizzyGetting up in the morning, I take a shower of sunshine
Now everything became fun for me
Drinking a cup of coffee and listening to the music
I can make myself at home and loosen my wayEasy, I feel easy
Sweet Candy Power
When I take a walk
Candies in my pocket
When I go on tour
Candies in my bagI like mint candies best
They make me relax
When I have a sore throat
I eat honey candiesAm I, am I, am I, am I, candy!
Am I, am I, am ISweet candy power
I get energy
Sweet candy power
It’s a fantasy
Sweet candy power
Oh, power!
Let’s go!Am I, am I, am I, am I, candy!
Am I, am I, am ISweet candy power
Good bye my hunger
Sweet candy power
Good bye your anger
Sweet candy power
Oh, power!
Let’s go!Am I, am I, am I!
My Independent Country
Ladies and Gentlemen!
I would like to tell you
Now, I declare independence of my country
You might think this story is funny
But I'm the only one living in the countryNo one cares
No one interferes
Make a national flag
Write a National AnthemMy independent country on a tiny planet
My independent country
Beyond your visionLadies and Gentlemen!
I would like to tell you
Now, I declare independence of my country
There are no rules
I make laws by myself
I'm a ruler and a loser
Everything is in my hands -
Wave Rock
Driving in a desert
You can see the rock
It is art created by the EarthTaking a long, long time
Rainwater flows
Made a lovely amazing shapeWave Rock, Wave Rock
Someone used the magic
To make the giant rock
I would like to believe the storyClimbing to the top
The scenery is superb
Feeling like I’m standing on MarsWave Rock, Wave Rock
Someday I want to take you to the place
Let’s surf on the beautiful rock
So nice, so good, so happyWave Rock, I want to show you
Wave Rock, I want to take you to
Wave Rock, la, la, la…
Wave Rock, amazing shape
Wave Rock, Woo, yeah…
Wave Rock, surf on the rock
Wave Rock, wow, wow…
Wave Rock, the beautiful nature -
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches
I like cookies
Tasty cookies
I wanna eat them everyday
I like ice cream
Delicious ice cream
I wanna eat it every nightYou ask me, “Which do you like better cookies or ice cream?”
I can’t pick oneIce Cream Cookie, Ice Cream Cookie
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches
The best way to eatWoo, yesterday I ate Shortbread cookies
Today I ate ice cream
What shall I eat tomorrow?Ice Cream Cookie, Ice Cream Cookie
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches
The best way to eat -
Never-Never Land
Passing through the gate of never-never land
Ride a roller coaster in wonderland
It’s so scary but so fun
Enjoy yourself under the sunWalking through the gate of never-never land
Go to see a music show of a band
It's a fantasy in the real world
Duck and mouse are running around the bandStanding in a long line
My turn has come
Took a ride and found
I lost my glassesWhere are my sunglasses
I’ve lost my sunglasses
Where are my sunglasses
I’ve lost my sweet memoriesAsking a lady at the never-never land
She said there was nothing on the ground
Fireworks were so beautiful
This is the memory of my vacationI took rides again and again
To look for my glasses
In the end, I gave up
And made this songWhere are my sunglasses
I’ve lost my sunglasses
Where are my sunglasses
I’ve lost my sweet memories -
Peppermint Attack
Summer comes around
Going out of town
Let’s go to the mountainThe train is southbound
Pack clothes in a bag
Let’s go to the oceanI hear the hum of mosquitoes
Need to guard myself
I’ve been losing the battle every year
I must prepare an insect repellant sprayNoise in my ears
A great battle begins
I get attacked by mosquitoesThe target is me
They have no mercy
Take out my secret weaponAlcohol and peppermint oil
Mixed with some water
Victory is in my hand
With a peppermint insect repellant spraySummer is over
But I can’t feel relieved
I still have bug bitesPeppermint oil spray
Always in my hand
I don’t fear anymorePeppermint, Peppermint Attack
California Lemon Trees
California Lemon Trees
Growing under the bright sunshine
California Lemon Trees
Harvest the lemons and feeling fineSqueeze a lemon and get some juice
Have some honey ginger lemon juice
You will get more energetic
Now you can jump to outer space
California Lemon Trees
California Lemon Trees
Beauty, healthy, vitamin C for youCalifornia Lemon Trees
Growing under the bright sunshine
California Lemon Trees
Harvest the lemons and feeling fineSlice it and put into a cup of tea
Don’t need any medicine
You will get more powerful
Now you can lift an elephant
California Lemon Trees
California Lemon Trees
Beauty, healthy, vitamin C for you -
Match 3
I’m in love with Match 3
When I play the game, I’m free
I’m in love with Match 3
I play every day under the tree
I'm charmed
I'm captivated
Fascinated by Match 3
I'm charmed
I'm captivated
But sometimes Match 5Match 3 in my brain
Match 3 in my mind
Match 3 in a train
Match 3 in my bedI’m in love with Match 3
I can’t sleep without it
I’m in love with Match 3
Sometimes it keeps me awake
All lyrics written by Naoko
712 DAY PARTY 2019 ~20th Anniversary~
- 6月30日(日)大阪・アメリカ村 CLAPPER
- 7月6日(土)東京・新代田 FEVER
- 7月7日(日)名古屋・池下 CLUB UPSET
Sweet Candy Power UK Tour 2019
- July 16 Leicester - The Cookie
- July 17 Oxford - The Bullingdon
- July 18 London - The Underworld
- July 19 Leeds - Brudenell Social Club
- July 20 Newcastle - The Cluny
- July 19-21 Port of Menteith - Doune the Rabbit Hole
- July 23 Manchester - Night & Day Cafe
- July 24 Birmingham - Hare & Hounds
- July 25 Portsmouth - Wedgewood Rooms
- July 26 Brighton - Hope & Ruin
- July 27 Halifax - Square Chapel Arts Centre
2019 North American Tour
- 8/23: Los Angeles, CA at Bootleg Theater
- 8/24: San Diego, CA at Soda Bar
- 8/25: Las Vegas, NV at Hard Rock Hotel
- 8/27: San Francisco, CA at Bottom Of The Hill
- 8/28: Sacramento, CA at Goldfield Trading
- 8/30: Seattle, WA at El Corazon
- 8/31: Portland, OR at Dante’s
- 9/3: Denver, CO at Oriental Theater
- 9/4: Lincoln, NE at Bourbon Theater
- 9/5: Rock Island, IL at Rock Island Brewing Company
- 9/7: Buffalo, NY at The Music is Art Festival
- 9/9: Columbus, OH at Rumba Cafe
- 9/10: Cleveland, OH at Grog Shop
- 9/11: Newport, KY at Southgate House
- 9/13: Little Rock, AR at Stickyz Rock In
- 9/14: Dallas, TX at Gas Monkey Live! (With Black Flag)
- 9/15: Austin, TX at Empire Control
- 9/16: Houston, TX at White Oak Music Hall
- 9/18: Atlanta, GA at Smith’s Olde Bar
- 9/19: Richmond, VA at The Camel
- 9/20: Washington, DC at City Winery
- 9/21: Teaneck, NJ at Debonair Music Hall
- 9/22: Brooklyn, NY at Knitting Factory
- 9/24: Ottawa, ON at The 27 Club
- 9/25: Toronto, ON at Hard Luck Bar
- 9/26: Montreal, QC at Pop Montreal
- 9/27: Hamilton, ON at This Ain't Hollywood
- 9/28: Ferndale, MI at Magic Bag
- 9/30: Springfield, IL at ROCK’N’ROLL HARDEE’S ※Free Concert
- 10/1: Chicago, IL at Subterranean
- 10/2: Minneapolis, MN at Fine Line Music
- 10/3: GREEN BAY, WI at Lyric Room Live Music
- 0/5: Pittsburgh, PA at Cattivo
Sweet Candy Australia/NewZealand style 2019
- FRI 18 OCT - Adelaide THE GOV
- SAT 19 OCT - Adelaide THE GOV
- SUN 20 OCT - Hobart UNI BAR
- SAT 26 OCT - Brisbane THE TIVOLI
- SUN 27 OCT - Brisbane THE TIVOLI
- SAT 2 NOV - Melbourne THE CORNER
- MON 4 NOV - Melbourne HOWLER
- FRI 8 NOV - Sydney THE METRO
- SAT 9 NOV - Sydney THE METRO
- SUN 10 NOV - Wollongong UNIBAR
- TUES 12 NOV - Wellington SAN FRAN
- WED 13 NOV - Raglan YOT CLUB
- THUR 14 NOV - Auckland WHAMMY BAR
- FRI 15 NOV - Perth THE ASTOR
- SAT 16 NOV - Fremantle METROPOLIS
前作「Adventure」(2016年リリース)から3年。最新作「Sweet Candy Power」は、オリジナルスタジオアルバムとしては、1枚目の「Burning Farm」(1983年リリース)から数えて通算19枚目となります。