11月4日(金)サンフランシスコの「Bottom of the Hill」
After the show in Long Beach, we drove 2 hours and 30 minutes and stayed at Bakersfield. On Nov. 4th, we checked out the hotel at 11:00 a.m. and had 5 hours drive to San Francisco. On the way to SF, I saw these view.
Windmills and the sea. 風車と海と。
This is the venue, Bottom of the Hill which we played last year, too. Great venue! I took a picture with Shannon and the Clams. They played with us from Atlanta show to San Francisco. This day was the last show with them. Cute people and wonderful music! Thank you so much! Hope to see you in Japan.
こちら、会場の「Bottom of the Hill」去年も演奏させてもらいました。すてきな会場です。「Shannon and the Clams」のみんなと撮影。彼らはアトランタからサンフランシスコまで一緒にライブしました。この日が彼らとの最後のライブ。かわいらしい人たち、すてきな音楽でした。ありがとうね。またこんどは日本で会えたらいいね。
The show was packed, too and so many people was rocking. San Francisco is the sister city of my hometown Osaka. Fantastic!!