My very snail blog. September 4th

Sunday, September 4th “Bar Loose” Helsinki, Finland

9月4日(日) 「Bar Loose」 フィンランドのヘルシンキ

Members of Shonen Knife and our label owner/tour manager George flew from Oslo to Helsinki in the morning.

When we arrived at the airport in Oslo and opened the back door of our van, a box of bottled beer, soda and coke fell down.  Many bottles were broken and we made a sea of beer and broken glass on the porte cochere.  Ah!  We were in a hurry to board and saying “you shouldn’t cut your fingers”,  our driver Dr. John cleaned up.  Thank you, thank you very much John.  He stayed in Oslo with the van.




Then we arrived at Helsinki.  I found a Sushi Bar.



This is the inside of the venue.   Angus Young is here.   会場内部です。なぜかアンガス・ヤングが。


Kokeshi in the town.  A gentleman who came to our show brought our ticket in 1992.  Opening act was BMX bandits.  Photo with a beautiful promoter.  So many audience at the night, too and very nice time in Mooming country.

町にこけしが。ひとりのお客さんがナイフの1992年のライブチケットを持ってきて見せてくれた。そのときのオープニングアクトはBMX banditsだったんだよなぁ。そして、美人プロモーターと記念写真。この日もすごくたくさんのお客さんと楽しく過ごさせてもらいました。ムーミンのお国にて。