朝8時ホテル発。シドニー空港まで車で5分。便利、近い!荷物をチェックインしてVirgin Airのラウンジに連れてもらいました。
Left the hotel at 8am. 5 minutes drive to the airport. Easy! Checked in the luggage and went to Virgin air’s lounge.
I was sleeping during the mostly 2 hours flight. Arrived at Hobart, Tasmania. Tasmanian Devil welcomed us.
We were waiting our luggage at the baggage claim. Everything but my guitar came. Oh, no! My guitar was left at Sydney. It can’t come to Hobart until night. I can’t use my guitar at MONA FOMA show! I was thinking I had to use my sub tiny guitar but Paul and Greg arranged to rent a humbucker guitar. This is it. Blue TEISCO guitar. Their friend Ben let me use. Thanks a lot!
We drove directly to the venue from the airport and did soundcheck. The dressing room was a gorgeous cottage. Catering were so fancy!
MONA FOMAは、タスマニア島で最も大きなミュージックフェスて年2回行われ歌そうです。会場は、野外で芝生。とても平和な雰囲気で素敵です。
MONA FOMA is a big music event in Tasmania and held 2 times a year. The venue was outside of green grass. The atmosphere was so peaceful.
I chose tomato penne for dinner. Coleslaw salad was so tasty and I ate so much. Then show time! It got dark outside.
Gorgeous screen behind the stage! Paul’s friend Ken did the screen art. There was a sign language interpreter was on the side. I sent my lyrics before hand and I translated some Japanese words in my lyrics.
そして、キュレーターのブライアン・リッチーさん(アメリカのバンド、バイオレントフェムズのベーシスト)と記念撮影。呼んでくださってありがとうございました!タスマニアの代表的音楽イベントのMONA FOMAに出してもらって光栄です!
I had very good time to play outside in a peaceful atmosphere. So many people came to our show. Thanks so much!
We took a photo with Brian Richie who is a curator of this event. Brian is a bassist of an American band Violent Femmes. Thank you for inviting us! I’m very happy to join the famous music event MONA FOMA!
MONA FOMAグッズのトートなどいただきました!おしゃれ!
We got MONA FOMA good. They are cool!
After show, Paul, Greg and we had fancy wine from MONA winery and went to the hotel. Good night!