4月22日(土)Brickyard 英国のカーライル
Checked out the hotel at noon and drove to Carlisle from New Castle. Check out time of hotels in the UK are usually 12:00. It’s helpful. Usual check out time in Japan 10:00 and in the US 11:00. I had “fish cake” at a mall on the way to Carlisle. It said “fish cake” but contains only 1% fish and 99% mashed potato. I was hungry and ate all.
2 hours later we arrived the venue. I took the venue photo at night.

Our poster on the wall. I autographed on theses posters after show. The audience got posters from the venue. I wanted one…

We did daily task as usual. Merch booth was excellent and we could our stock on the shelf.

A screen was on the wall of the stage and event information was advertised. Tribute bands shows seems popular and often held in the UK.

We rushed to eat dinner in light rain. Waterproof jacket and shoes are required in the UK. Went to a restaurant which we found but it was full for reservations. Walked 7 min more and entered into Asian fusion restaurant. I took a pictures quickly on the way.

Look for Shonen Knife poster at a pet shop.

RAMEN なるものに挑戦してみた。さぁ、どんなお料理が出てくるのか?!ジャーン!よく茹で(ふにゃ)のパッタイの麺にフォーのスープ、揚げ出し豆腐がトッピング見たいな創作料理。揚げ豆腐おいしかった!お料理持ってくるの小一時間かかったけどね。
I tried RAMEN. What kind of Ramen at an Asian fusion restaurant? It was a dish like noodles in Pho soup and topped deep fried Tofu. Deep fried Tofu was very good. It took mostly an hour to serve, though.

After dinner we went back to the venue and prepared for the show. The support band canceled to play. Do any member got cold?! Anyway it was our one-man show. It was easy to play because we don’t need to change the stage setting before our show. And show time!

バックスクリーンに画像が写せるとの事、ライブ直前に言われてもさー、ってなったけどツアマネのKenkichi さんが画像を引いて来てくれて、無事投影。ライブはまたまた盛り上がった!沢山のお客さんに来てもらい感謝します!ありがとう!ホテルに帰りバタンキュー。
I got an information that we can project any logo or something on the screen just before the show but our tour manager Kenkichi-San found our logo and made it on screen. There were many audience and we could have a good time with them. Than you very much for coming! Went back to the hotel and slept quickly.