4月21日(金) 英国ニューカッスルのCluny
We left the very old distorted door hotel in Edinburgh at 11am. Driving through the sea and ranch,

Arrived at the venue in New Castle. I forgot to take a picture of it. I had a data from our tour 2019 at the same venue.

We had spare time and ate late lunch at a pub in the venue. I had salad on a tortilla with ranch dressing. It was a big portion which quantity is the same with 5 packs of baby leaf salad in Japan. It was delicious and I ate it all.

We did everyday’s task. Pictures from soundcheck.

この日のサポートバンドは、BMX Bandits。1992年に英国ツアーを一緒に回った。今は中心メンバーのDouglasが新しいメンバーと活動している。彼らのサウンドチェックの様子。
Today’s support is BMX Bandits. We toured UK together i 1992. Now the founder of the band Douglass is playing with new members. This picture is their soundcheck.

I ordered dinner at the venue pub again. Deep fried dishes, this time. Everything was tasty. Especially prawns were so good. I could eat prawn tails.

Risa had two oof Kid’s ice cream. The cups were cute.

We took care of merch table before the show. It was very busy. Thank you for purchasing our goods!
BMX Bandits のステージ。懐かしの曲も聴けてよかった。
BMX Bandits start playing. It was good to listen to their old songs.

そして本番。今日もチケットはSOLD OUT! ありがとう!来て下さった方々に感謝します!
And our turn. It was SOLD OUT show again. Thank you for coming to our show!

片付け終えて、BMX Bandits のみんな、そしてお世話になったプロモーターの方と記念撮影。
We clear up everything and took pictures with BMX Bandits and our promoter who took care of us.

Douglas, Atsuko and I took a reunion photo. I was happy that he continue to play music in a good health. See you again sometime!