4月19日(水)英国ヘブデンブリッジのTrades Club
We checked out the hotel noon and arrived at the venue at 3pm. We played here in 2018. There was no lift to load in at that time but it was there this time. So helpful. People at the venue helped our load in.

Our poster was on the wall outside!

We finished daily routine, load in, set up the merch table, soundcheck, and went to eat dinner at a cafe in the venue. The menu was Indonesian food. We shared spring rolls and some crackers.

I ordered soft spicy Nasi goreng. If I have no live today, I wanted to order spicy one. The taste was like dried curry from old style Japanese cafe. Rice is skinny long and dry. It was good.

I had a bit of time and walked around the venue.

Canal and stone housed.

Calm beautiful place.

I was looking for a cafe which serve coffee and cake but all cafe was closed at 6pm. I gave up and went back to the dressing room.

Then LIVE! Today is SOLD OUT again! I was so happy. Thanks a lot! After show, some people told me they listened BBC program which we played.

There was a gentleman who said it is the first time to see Shonen Knife. Nice! Thank you for coming to our show!