We don’t have any live shows today. I went to the Korean-Japanese restaurant with Atsuko. Atsuko and I came here 4th time for this tour! When I just finished my order, Risa came into the restaurant. Wow! Coincidence! Three of us eat together. I ordered Una-son which is eel Donburi. The skin of eel was a little thick but I took off it and ate all.

I found funny dolls at an antique shop on the way back. I had these kind of dolls when I was a child. Doll’s faces of mine weren’t so scary like these.

Around here is on the hill. Beautiful scenery.

Meringue at a supermarket. Too much colorful?!

夕方BBCのスタジオへ行き、生演奏。90年代にJohn Peel session でお世話になってから、ツアーでイギリスに行く度、番組に出してもらっています。ありがとう。
We went to BBC studios late afternoon and did sessions. We play at BBC since 90’s of John Peel sessions. Thank you for let us play!

BBC 6 music のMark Rileyさんの番組で流れます。わーい!インターネットラジオでも聴けます。お聴きいただければ幸いです。
Our sessions will be on aired at BBC 6 Music Mark Riley’s program. You can listen the program via internet radio. Please listen it.
割とスッと終わって、午後7時ごろ帰路へ。8時ごろあつこさんと私は夕食は、中華料理店で。海鮮焼きそば、とーってもおいしかった。宿に帰って就寝。10泊したロンドンとお別れ。明日から旅に出ます。まずはNottingham 。おやすみなさい。
Our sessions finished safely and well done and drove back to our hotel around 7pm. Atsuko and I went to a Chinese restaurant around 8pm. I had sea food noodles. It was sooo delicious. Went back to the hotel and slept. We will leave London after 10 days stay and start touring. Nottingham first. Good night.