4月12日(水)Boileroom イギリスのギルドフォード
11時過ぎに宿を出て朝食を食べに、あつこさんとWeather Spoon へ。マッシュルームエッグベネディクトを注文。おいしい!!これはリピートか!
After 11am Atsuko and I went to have breakfast to Weather Spoon. I ordered Mushroom Benedict. Yummy. I may eat it again?!

Departed London at 2pm and drove 2 hours, we arrived at the venue. I have ever been here sometimes before.

Load in, setting of stage and merch table then dinner was from their kitchen. I ordered chicken wings. I was so hungry and ate egg salad sandwiches from catering before chicken wings. I like eggs.

It’s show time! It was a first show of our UK tour after 4 years! The show was packed and everyone there looked happy to see us. I was happy, too. Our show finished successfully.

I used this shiny guitar strap today from our fan in Brussels. Thank you!

My special Guitar stand.
There were a long queue in front of the merch table after show. Sorry for waiting. I thank to people who came to our show. Arigato! Thank you.