It was planned that we had an interview but it was suspended and it was a day off. I did some to do things and relaxed at the hotel in the morning and bite something. Atsuko and I meet with Risa and went to a big shopping mall from just before 2pm.

London Tube is running deep underground.

バスと地下鉄を乗り継いで約1時間、目的のモール到着。イースターマンデーの祝日でかなりの混雑。モールに着いてすぐ見えた看板、Ichiba? 市場やん。入ってみよ、と入ったら日本の食品を扱うスーパー兼ミニフードコートだった。まずは腹ごしらえ、と言う事でかぼちゃコロッケカレーを食べた。注文から出来上がりまで、段取りが悪いのか、人手不足なのか小一時間もかかったよ。だけどおいしかった!
We took a bus and subway, tube, arrived at the big mall after an hour. It was so crowded because of it was Easter Monday. Right after we arrived, we found a sign which says “Ichiba”. Wow, it’s a Japanese word which means “market”. We tried to enter there. It was a Japanese market and mini food court. I was hungry and ordered pumpkin croquet curry. It took almost an hour to get food. May be shortage of labors or clerks can’t do things quickly. Anyway, it was delicious.

I went to PRIMARK which is a reasonable price clothes for young people and bought a T-shirt with 3 pounds. And I went to other shops. There were costumed two persons for promotion in front of a toy store.

Pokémon is very popular in the world.

Big bears were lying. Why?

2 hours later, all of us gathered at “Ichiba” market and I bought a bottle of green tea because I was thirsty. Food court was closed at that time. I had nothing to buy and so exhausted by crowded stores. Three of us walked to the station. On the way there, there was an attraction. I took a picture.

地下鉄に乗ってバスに乗り換え。途中、地下鉄とバスの乗り継ぎ地点、Finsbury Park駅上のスーパーで買い物。スコーン1個だけ買った。それからバスに乗って帰ってきた。二階建てバスの二階席の1番前は眺めが良くてイイね!鮮やかなハンドル捌きで細い道を通ったり、カーブを曲がったり、ちょっとスリリングだけど。
Took a ride of tube and bus. At the changing station of tube and bus, Finsbury Park, there is a supermarket. We bought something. I bought just one scorn. Then we took a double decker to the hotel. Upstairs seats especially the front seats are good. The view is so nice. It drives through tiny lanes or round about but the driver treat the handle well, it was thrilling, though.

It was a rare day off, I didn’t want to go back to the hotel directly. I walked around the neighbors and went back to the hotel.