4 月9日(日)Tシャツ整理デー、ロンドンにて。
今日はメンバー3人でそのTシャツを一気にたたむ作業日。あつこさんと私が到着したら、りさちゃんが先にたたみ始めてくれていた。3人かかって3時間ほどでおたたみ完了。みんなで昼ごはんを食べに外へ。Weather Spoonというイギリスのパブの人気店へ行った。値段が安くておいしいお店。私はチーズバーガーとサラダ、そして「日曜日のお父さん」みたいにビールを頂戴しました。こちらは、ベルギービール。
Got up in the morning and ate banana, Atsuko and I went to our agent Jack’s flat around 11am. He keeps our T-shirts boxes in his flat. Thank you Jack! So helpful.
Today is a day of sorting T-shirts. When Atsuko and I arrive at the flat, Risa have already started to fold T-shirts. Three of us fold and fold, after 3 hours it was finished. We went to eat lunch to Weather Spoon which is a popular pub chain which is reasonable price and delicious. I had cheese burger, salad and beer. This is Belgian beer.

After lunch, we dropped at a supermarket and went back to Jack’s flat. Then sorted T-shirts and CDs. We finished everything around 7pm. We went to eat dinner to the Korean-Japanese restaurant again. I had chicken Katsu bento. Miso soup on the side. It was delicious. I got take away box and put my leftover. After went back to the hotel, I wrote blog, took a shower and went to bed. A bit sat up late at night.