I had breakfast at the hotel and checked out 9am. We took an Uber and went to the parking in the bus terminal.

Carrying suitcases, we walked the sidewalk of the bus terminal parking and got into our van. Drove to the Channel Tunnel. On the way we bought coolant for our van and arrived at the tunnel after 3 hours drive. There is a big train which carry cars. We drove through the French border first and to immigration gate of the UK. Three of us went to a building of passport control. We showed the copy of work permit, waited 10 minutes and got stamps on our passport.
After 30 minutes ride, the big tunnel train arrived at the UK. All of us dropped to a pub for eating late lunch. I was so hungry. We might be prominent because we are rare orientals. Most of all people at the pub was looking at us. It was fun. I ordered English classic, Fish & Chips and orange juice. It was delicious!

We drove 2 more hours from there, arrived at a hotel in London. Atsuko and I stay there and went to check in. At that time, ahhhhhh! I stepped on the pooooooop. No!!!!! Help me!!!!! There was a hose for watering plants by chance. I washed my waterproof boots with it.
Risa stays at our agent Jack’s flat. Thank you so much, Jack! Atsuko and I left our luggage in our hotel room and went to Jack’s flat. We said hello to him and three of us went to have dinner to a Korean-Japanese restaurant. The menu of the restaurant was upgraded than when we came here 4 years ago. I was happy. Three of us celebrated for safely finished our continental Europe tour.