March 3, 1000Fryd, Aalborg Denmark

3月3日(金)1000Fryd, Aalborg Denmark

I went to have breakfast and packed my bags in the morning. Then departed at 10:15. Kenkichi repaired Atsuko’s bass last night. Wow, thanks so much! We drove about 5 hours to Aalborg.

Crossing a long bridge.


Arrived at the venue. The street in front of the venue was so narrow and it was very stressful to park our van.


大きなお鍋!Big pot!

After soundcheck, dinner was served. We ate vegetarian menu at the dressing room.


ライブは何とSOLD OUT!満員御礼の中、ノリノリのライブでした。
The show was SOLD OUT! We could play well in front of cheerful audience.



The hotel was reserved 2 rooms. Atsuko and I stayed at a tour band room at the upstairs of the venue. Mattresses and blankets were served. It was very cold at night. I wore fleece jacket and Down jacket when I sleep. Outside was very very cold.


I thank to the audience who came to our show. Cheers!