I went to see Deerhoof and Dinosaur Jr.

先週から今週にかけて行ったライブは、DeerhoofとDinosaur Jr.なーのだー。

I went to see DeerhoofとDinosaur Jr. in these two weeks.

先週土曜日、十三ファンダンゴでDeerhoof見ました!パンダパンダぁぁぁーーーとか、とっても楽しかった。彼らとは2003年にサンフランシスコでいっしょにライブしたんすよ。Deerhoofの新作に収録の曲、O’Malley, Former Underdogは、メンバーのSatomiさんいわく、ナイフをイメージして作ったそうです。うれしいね。注:O’Malleyってかつて阪神タイガースにいた選手です。

I went to see Deerhoof on last Saturday at Fandango, Juso. It was very fun. I like Panda Panda…song. Shonen Knife played with them in San Francisco in 2003. The member Satomi said that a song called O’Malley, Forer Underdog was written with an image of Shonen Knife. Cool. O’Malley was a baseball player at Hanshin Tigers.


There were so many foreign audience at Fandango. It was as if I was in a foreign country.

そして、今日、なんばHatchにDinosaur Jr.見に行った。あれ、Johnny Winterがギター弾いている?なーんて思っちゃった。(^^);

Then, today I went to see Dinosaur Jr. at Namba Hatch. Mmm…? Was Jonny Winter playing the guitar on stage??? I thought so. Hee hee.


I enjoyed the show very much. The sound was very loud and I used ear plugs. They made my ear confortable.


It’s my Rock week.