アボカドアレルギー? Avocado allergy?

先日、市内某所にて食事をした。そのレストランでマグロとアボカドのカルパッチョみたいなのが出てきたので、「これはおいしそう!」と食した。それから約 30分後、皆と歓談中に胃がぎゅーっと痛くなってきた。なんでや?あ、そうやわたしはアボカドに弱いんやった!思い出したのは後の祭りで雪隠へ急行、うげーっ!

I went to a restaurant with my friends. I ate marinated tuna and avocado. It looked delicious. 30 minutes later, I had a bad stomachache and got sick during we were talking. Why? Oh, I remembered that I had an avocado allergy! It was too late. I rushed to the bathroom.


I missed to eat other delicious dishes. But I recovered by the time I went home.


When I tour in America, I sometimes eat avocado and got sick. But I’ll never eat avocado.

1月24日のmessage from Naokoコーナー(このコーナー)にアップした豆の木がこんなに大きくなって、花と豆をつけたよ。見比べてみてね。

This is a plant that I uploaded a photo on Jan. 24’s this site. Please see it and compare.