Sunday, April 9th. I had a show at Kyoto University’s west-hall. I assumed that we’ll get a traffic jam in the city of Kyoto then I left my house earlire than usual. But we arrived to Kyoto a little early so we dropped in a restaurant. At the restaurant, it took very very very long to serve our order. I wasted time! Anyway, eggplant pickles were so delicious. Kyoto is famous for pickles.
2時過ぎに現地到着。ああ、この雰囲気や。ヒッピーな雰囲気!京大西部講堂周辺には昔からヒッピーの匂いが漂ってんねんなー。San FranciscoのHaight-AshburyかAustraliaのByron Bayに居る気分か、Greatful Deadのコンサート会場に居る気分か?なんて感じながら、peaceってな気分になった。大阪と比べると京都は空気がいい。何べんも深呼吸して空気の吸い貯めしといた。
We arrived the Kyoto University hall around 2 o’clock. Ah, the atmospher is just like hippie town. It’s like Haight-Ashbury of San Franciso, Byron Bay in Australia or Greatful Dead concert, isn’t it? I feltpeace. Compare to the air of Osaka, its of Kyoto is very fresh. I tried to keep fresh air in my lung.
Time passed very soon and we rocked on stage. Today’s members are Etsuko, the drummer. She played groovy, powerful drums. Ritsuko played the bass as a support for Atsuko. She sang backing vocal, too. Everybody rocked!
We wore paisley stage costumes. Today’s concert is mourned for our fomer support drummer, Mana. We often wore it when we played with her. By the way, Paisley havs hippie feeling, I think.
Huuuh? Why Atsuko absented from the show? No pregnant. Don’t worry. Ha ha! I may tell you in July.
昔、当時のベースだったみちえさんが盲腸で大阪とNew Zealand のライブ欠席したことあったなー、なんて思い出します。そのときは、マネージャーがベース弾きました。はは。NZでは、一緒に出演していたLemonheadsのEvanが「ライブ、よかったよー。」って褒めてくれました。へへ。
I remember. Once, our former bassist Michie couldn’t show up on stage in Osaka and New Zealand because of the appendix. At that time our manager played the bass and after the show in NZ, Evan from Lemonheads admire his play.
After the show, I ate and drink, chatted with my friends and saw DMBQ’s frea market. It was a fine weather and I felt fine, too. Thank you very much for the hosts of the concert.