Vampire!は変拍子を駆使した曲が多いけど、ノリが良く、踊れますな。いい味してます。Vampire!とその後に出たUltra Bideは、昔からのお友達バンド。ツインベースとドラムのUltra Bideはとてもはじけてたよ!アメリカアングラっぽい匂いがして良かった。それからZingiも見ましたが、どのバンドもとてもリラックスして楽しく見せてもらいました。ああ、いいなぁ。こういう「身内系」ライブって。
I went to a club called Taku Taku in Kyoto last Sunday to see Vampire! and Ultra Bide, my friends bands.
I had my private business in Osaka and wheb I rushed to the venue, the first song of Vampire! had already started. Their rythm is very special and their music is danceable. Cool! I also saw Ultra Bide, too. They are twin bass and drums. I felt an essense of American underground music. They were cool, too! I saw Zingi between these two bands. All bands were cool and fun. I enjoyed Sunday night.