Monday, November 26 Drive Day and Judas Priest Show

11月26日(月)移動日 東京から大阪へ、そしてJudas Priestのコンサート


We got up a little early and drove back to Osaka. It was fine and I could see Mt. Fuji.


It was snowing on the top. Beautiful like Ukiyo-e Painting!


I could see Mt. Fuji from the other side.


I ate Kishimen-Noodles at a service area. It might be close to Nagoya.


Kishimen-Noodles are Fettuccine style noodles.


We stopped at Tsuchiyama Service Area. This is a Ninja Racoon. This area is famous for Ninja.


What is this blue rice? Image of Lake Biwa?!


I would like to try next time.

車は順調に走り、大阪へ戻ってきました。わたしは梅田で車から降ろしてもらって、Judas Priestのライブに向かいました。まずは腹ごしらえに堂島地下街の「インデアン」でカレーライスを食べました。(写真ないけど)ごはんは小盛りで。


We drove smoothly and came back to Osaka. I dropped off the car at Umeda and off to Judas Priest show. Before the show I ate curry and rice at ‘Indian Curry’ in Dojima undergraound shopping mall. I forgot to take a picture. I ordered small portion of rice.

This picture is at Dojima shopping mall.


20 minutes walk took me to the venue Osaka International Convention Center.


Nakanoshima area.

グランキューブの1階に到着!「祝 2025 大阪・関西万博決定」!!!

I arrived at the first floor of the convention center. There was a sign. It says Celebration for EXPO 2025 in Osaka!!

Judas Priestのライブは「飛びはね」というよりは「ヘッドバンギング」する人が多いと思われます。

There was a signboard “No Jumping”. I think Judas Priest fans rather doing head banging than jumping.

Judas Priestのライブ、ロブ・ハルフォードの声もよく出ていたし、ステージの装飾、仕掛け、ライティングも完璧だったし、演奏もタイトですばらしかった。前回見た時よりさらにグレードアップしていて、ほんま、ええライブ見せてもらいました。かっこ良すぎ!とても楽しかったので、ツアーTシャツ買いました。また来日したら絶対見に行くぞ~。

Judas Priest show was awesome! The voice of Rob Halford was good, stage set and lighting were perfect, musical performance and sound were so cool. They got more better than the last time. I love them. I enjoyed a lot and bought tour T-shirt. I’ll certainly come to their show next time when they come to Japan.