7月突入!July has started!


7月になったよ!いよいよ712 day partyも近付いて参りました。わたくし、何かと忙しく、夏物バーゲンには,まだ行っておりません。行きたい。でも時間ないやろなぁ。

さて、そんな最中、先日、朝からテニスして爽やかな汗を流し、晩はAndy(ちなみに日本人です。へへ。)のDJを聴きにBig Cakeに行きました。Blues Nightで、シブい音楽を堪能させてもらいました。


よし、と、気合をいれて、てなとこで712 dayの練習だ!

July has started! 712 day party shows will come soon. Recently, I’m very busy and have no time to go to the summer bargain sale. I wanna go but can’t. Ah…

The other day, I played tennis from morning and had a good time. At night of the day, I went to a club called Big Cake to see my friend Andy’s DJ. Andy is our Japanese A&R guy. I enjoyed nice Blues music.

At the day, I had another appointment in the afternoon. I was so busy. Then the day after the busy day, I took short naps. In spite of my fatigue, I made a cake, not Big Cake though, and went to a book store.

Yeah! Now it’s time to practicing for 712 day party shows!