It was a day off today. We usually don’t have whole day off because we have long drive even we don’t have a show. I didn’t set alarm clock but wake up around 6 am and tried to have more long sleep but wake up at 8 am again. I went to the dining to get some food for breakfast. French bread which I bought it at a supermarket yesterday. I cut an apple from catering at a venue few days ago. I got full without eating yogurt. I put it in a refrigerator.
I did some work until noon and went to a shopping mall with Miyoko and Atsuko. Risa preferred to stay in a room.
I saw cactus at the sidewalk. Very much like Texas.
Here is an outside mall. It was 32℃ and so hot and humid.
A fun store. “Don’t talk to strangers?!” Is stranger a spaceman?
モール内の創作中華アジア料理店、P. F. Chung’sへ。あつこと美代子さんは、天丼。天丼と言っても、ご飯の部分は焼き飯で、天ぷら大量にのっててボリューム満点。私はタイココナツカレーのラーメンをオーダー。かなり創作的。鶏肉入り。タイカレーとラーメンの取り合わせ、なかなかおいしかったです。
We went to a Chinese Asian restaurant, P. F. Chung’s in the mall. Atsuko and Miyoko ordered Ten-don. It’s different from Japanese Ten-don. The rice was fried rice and so much Tempura on it. Japanese Ten-don uses steamed rice. I ordered Thai coconut curry ramen. It’s a very creative menu. Chicken in it. The harmony of Thai curry and Ramen was good.
I got Tempura from Miyoko and put them in a box to go.
Atsuko and I walked very much and got tired. We took a rest at a Starbucks in a book store. I had maple pecan latte. So sweet.
There was a cute cosmetic store. They deals Japanese cosmetics and sweets. We finally walked around the mall for 5 hours. I had more than 10000 steps. I should walk sometimes because always travel in a car.
I did some work after came back to the hotel room and made dinner. I made tempura sauce which is mixed fish soup, soy sauce and sugar and pour hot water.
I made steamed rice using microwave rice cooker. I topped some Tempura from Miyoko on steamed rice and pour Tempura sauce on it. Adding some Nori seaweed and ate. So yummy! Writing blogs and took a shower then good night.
Tomorrow, San Antonio show!