8月24日(金)大阪心斎橋クラブジャングル live in Osaka


松山から帰って、洗濯ものいっぱい、ごった返す家の中でクラブジャングルと西部講堂のライブの準備をする。あ〜あ〜Messy Room!



After I came back from Matsuyama City, I had a lot of laundry. My room was so messy!! I also had to prepare for the next shows. Anyway, the show day at Club Jungle at Shinsaibashi, Osaka, I left my home in the afternoon. The club is in our home town Osaka. It was rather easy day. We ate lunch at an Italian restaurant. Then show time. The hight of the stage was low. Since I’m short and I jumped many times during the show. Could the audience at the rear see me?