ライブの後、わたし1人で渋谷のシネセゾンへ。11時半からRamonesの映画「Too tough to die」の上映前のトークイベントに出演した。写真家の畔柳ユキさんが司会で、SUGOIギタリストのマーティ・フリードマン氏とわたしがラモーンズと自分とのエピソードなど話した。私はラモーンズのフロントアクトを大阪でやって、そのあとハードロックカフェで打ち上げに行き、メンバーと直接しゃべったことやら、ジョーイとロサンゼルスで、マーキーとニューヨークでそれぞれと同じステージで歌って演奏した思い出などをしゃべった。マーティとも久しぶりに会えてよかった。彼は、ナイフのライブに2回出てくれたことあるねん。
This festival was an Internet browser’s one. Many fun bands played there. After our sound check, we had 2 interviews, photo sessions and 1 appointment. We were so busy. The time passed very quickly and our show time had came. We played as hard as we can for the 30 minutes set. We’ve got a very good vibe from audience.
After the show, I went to a movie theater in Shibuya by myself. I had appeard on a talk show before the Ramones movie called Too tough to die. Yuki Kuroyanagi who is a photographer presided and interviewed to the super guitarist Marty Friedman (he had played the guitar at SK show twice) and me. Both of us talked about the episodes with Ramones. I talked about my memory when Shonen Knife opened up for the Ramones show in Osaka and we went to Hard Rock Cafe with them. And I talked about when I played with Joey in Los Angeles and with Marky in N.Y
It was busy day but I could have many interesting things.