Nov. 1st The Low Beat, Albany


We left the hotel,


Went to a Japanese supermarket, MITSUWA New Jersey. 


Toward to the entrance 


Plastic samples of foods are very rare in the U. S. We went to the food court and


Oct. 5 Bootleg Theater, Los Angeles

I had this one. How do I like Ten-Zaru!? I had it in San Diego, too. The portion at San Diego was bigger than New Jersey but the smaller one is right my size. 



Now we start to eat! Pic. by Miyoko. 

After lunch, I bought two pastries at the bakery. 


From the back yard of MITSUWA. I saw Manhattan over the river. 

そこから車で約2時間北上し、会場のThe Low Beat到着。ここ、Albany は、ニューヨーク州の州都だそうです。

We drove to north 2 hours and arrived at the venue Low Beat. I’ve heard that Albany is a capital city of New York State. 


Long venue. 


Yay! Sold Out sign on the. Board. Hooray!


I ate one pastry before sound check. It became my dinner. I thought that I might get hungry after show and I went to buy a pork bun to a Chinese restaurant close to the venue. 




At the beginning of the show, a monitor speaker in front of me crashed by the heat. We had to make the audience wait. Then Atsuko and I shared one monitor speaker. We could get through the trouble. During we made the audience waiting, we did Q&A of who is your favorite drummer, bassist and guitarist. The answers are at the bottom of this blog. 

Miyoko took a picture of us after show. 

I thank to the audience!!!

会場からホテルに帰る車内のカーラジオで、私の”Bad Luck Song”、レッドツェッペリンの天国への階段がかかって、ちょっと動揺しましたが、モニタートラブルが今日のバッドラックだったよな。と思いきや、スーツケースを見てみると、ギャーっ、破れてた!これだったのかヨォ〜〜。いゃ、そんな事ないよね。汗

Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven was aired on car radio. It’s my “Bad Luck Song”and I was a little agitated but I’ve already had a kind of trouble because my monitor crashed. But I found that my suitcase got a hole! Is this the bad luck?! No?!



The answer: Risa’s favorite drummers are Keith Moon and Ringo Star. Atsuko’s are Paul McCartney and Gene Simmons. My fave is Tonny Iomi.