MITSUWA で買っていたレトルトご飯をホテルにある電子レンジで加熱、そこに日本から持参した塩昆布と振りかけを混ぜ入れて、シカゴのホテルの朝食会場でもらった海苔を巻いて、道中弁当の出来上がり。ドリンクはやはり日本から持参の青汁。青汁のボトルにぶら下げているのは、喉の乾燥予防のためのマスク。車中で、我知らず大口を開けて寝てたりするからね。(;^_^ なぜ口を開けることになるかと言うと、アメリカのバンは背もたれに枕が付いていないのです。だから、首がガクッと後ろに曲がる。
I made rice balls for lunch. Using a microwave, I made retort steamed rice warm and put some Kombu seaweed and seasoning from Japan on them. Then I put Nori seaweed from breakfast at a hotel in Chicago on them, too. The green drink is Aojiru which is vegetable powder. I put it in a bottle of water and shake. There is a mask on the bottle. I protect from dry throat.
Arby’s に寄って昼食。
We dropped at Arby’sfor lunch.
I ordered 4 pieces of mozzarella sticks.
Dipping in marinara sauce.
So stretched.
Filled fuel.
Severe weather shelters area. Tornado happening around here?
会場に到着!ここでは去年にCJ Ramone とのツアーで演奏しました。
We arrived at the venue! We played here last year with CJ Ramone.
Before the sound check, I went to a supermarket close to the venue to buy my dinner.
I bought a California roll and ate at a dressing room. I bought Sushi last year, too.
Candy Apple at the supermarket looked tasty.
There were already so many audience when the opener was playing. Thanks a lot!
Cookies from catering for my dessert tasted good.
ライブは、言うまでもなく、盛り上がり、大歓声の嵐。ホントにありがとうございます!!!ライブ後、CD, レコード、Tシャツを買ってくださった方にサインをさせてもらいました。
Necessary to say, our show went very well with the great audience. Thank you so much! We autographed on CDs, Vinyls and T-shirts.
Good night with mint tea and lemon.