April 15, ATP 2.0

4月15日、コメディアンのStewart Lee がキュレーターを務めるATP 2.0に出演しました。ATPは、2010年に出演以来2回目です。


5月7日 All Tomorrow’s parties

We appeared on All Tomorrow’s Parties 2.0 curated by a famous comedian Stewart Lee. It became the 2nd time to play for us since 2010.


We checked out the hotel in Manchester at noon and went to eat lunch I had Italian dishes. 


Getting a little traffic jam, we took 2 and a half hour for arriving. The venue was a family resort. Pontin’s. It’s by the sea and must be busy by many families in summer season. Now it’s off-season and all rent for ATP. I love this retro atmosphere. 


There had been a long queue at the entrance office. Everyone wore clothes for out door activities and had food. Because there is no food stores around there. They seemed having fun. That’s nice. 


There were many accommodations in the site. We set bedding by ourselves. There was a kitchen in a room. 


Giant seagulls knocked the window by their beak and required food. Scary!


We were more hungry than the seagulls and went to catering area. I met all members of the Raincoats there for the 1st time after 5 years! I was so happy and took a picture with them. I’ve been a fan of them since I was a high school student.  They were friendly and  ladies. 



We had nice British meal there. Potato tasted so good. 


After that, we set our goods and did line check. The venue is like a gymnasm.


Since it’s a resort for family, I saw some kids rides.   


We rushed to change into stage costumes, the show started. The first band cancelled the show because of a member’s injury, we played the first. Wearing our silver new costumes, we ROCKed very much for an hour set in front of a big audience. Thank you for coming to see. 

ライブ後はグッズコーナーでお店番。前日お世話になったBBCのDJ、マーク ライリーさんが来て、楽しかった!と言うてくれはりました。嬉しい!やぁ〜、ATPホントに楽しいイベントです。

We sold our merch after show. Marc Riley came to see us and said that he had fun during our show. Thank you. I’m honored. ATP is a fantastic event.