From Sundisky to Columbus, the route was not highway but regular road and took 2 hours. Found this guy at a gas station on the way.
Our sound man / tour manager Taylor wipe the window.
Arrived the venue. Cool sign!
We got Kid’s interview. She asked what is my favorite candy? I said it’s almond chocolate.
Drawing pictures on drum heads.
Then CJ band arrived. Yay!
I bought Sushi at a supermarket in the neighbors and ate in our dressing room. Sushi became standard in western countries.
Cool poster for today’s show.
The show was sold out. We were ROCKing a lot with full audience.
そして、大好きなCJ Ramone bandの演奏。ポップで素晴らしい!
Then I enjoyed CJ’s show. He is so POP and ROCK. Great!
P.S. 楽屋に卓球台があったので、空き時間にちょっぴりプレイ。ラケットスポーツ大好き!
P.S. There was a table tennis table at the dressing room and I played a little. I like racket sports.