After our UK/EU tour 2014 in May/June, Atsuko and I stayed 3 more days and went to watch tennis tournament for the first 2 days. For the last day, we went to Greenwich.
Close to the station, there is Greenwich market.
屋台で中華。I ate Chinese dishes.
Climed up the hill and went to Royal Greenwich Observatory.
I could see ArcelorMittal Orbit at Olympic Park in Stratford far away.
A clock at the observatory.
子午線のあっちとこっち。アツコと。 The meridian between Atsuko and me.
カティーサーク号も見学したよ。I entered into Cutty Sark.
I became a captain!?
あっという間のオフ、楽しかった!翌日、アツコはLos Angelesへ、わたしは関空へと帰ったのでした。
I enjoyed the days off a lot. The next day, Atsuko went back to Los Angeles and I went back to Osaka-Kansai airport.