September 8th, Sunday Off Day
John Peel CentreのあるStowmarketから車でロンドンへ。途中のサービスエリアで昼食。この二日間フロントアクトをしてくれたDamnablyのジョージのバンド、Foremer Utopiaのみんなも一緒にロンドンへ。
We drove from Stowmarket which is the town of John Peel Centre to London. I ate lunch at a service area. George from Damnably’s band Former Utopia are going with us. They played with us for these 2 shows.
そして、ロンドンに着いて、夜は観光へGO!Arrived in London and sightseeing at night.
ロンドンアイに乗って夜景を堪能。I enjoyed the night vewing from London Eye.
下に降りてきて、テムズ川の前で記念撮影。Took a photo in front of Thames River.
夜はライトアップされています。きれい。Light uped Big Ben. Beautiful.