712 Day Party 2013 Osaka

7月6日(土) 大阪・心斎橋 VARON

Saturday, July 6th  at Osaka-Shinsaibashi, VARON

年に一度のお祭り「712 Day Party」。純粋かつ神聖なる「少年ナイフ」の日なのであります。セットリストも熟考に熟考を重ね、ヒットパレードからめったに演奏しない曲やら、フラット、スピン、スライス、直球変化球いろいろ取り混ぜて、メンバーが毎年、精魂込めてお客様にお贈りしております。

Once a year fun, fun, happy ROCK festival “712 Day Party”.  It’s a holy Shonen Knife day.  I choose songs for the set list with deep consideration.  It includes punk Pop hit parade and very rare underground songs, Heavy Metalic songs.

ナイフグッズも新作がずらり。 We made fantastic brand new Shonen Knife goods.


Cat Tee’s and Cat Tote are designed by “Toranoko-ya”.


I named this scarf towel as “Ramune Towel, soda towel”.  It’s image is like sparkling drink.




I designed this sweat band.  We’ve ever made this before with other colors but it was so popular and sold out very soon.  Then we made this again with Rock color.

You can purchase these goods at our show.

さて、この日はオープニングアクトとして秋山衣梨佳さんに10分間歌って頂きました。衣梨佳さんは、関西カルト王とでも言うべき、あの、保山ひャンが主催するアイドルオーディションイベント「10 minutes」で、少年ナイフ賞に選ばれた方です。副賞として、わたしが作ったオリジナル曲「シビれチャオ!」を提供しました。衣梨佳さん、心をこめて、華麗に歌ってくださいましたよ。


Hozan Hyan who organized the idol audition event “10 minutes” did an opening MC.  His talking is always smart and marvelous!

10 minutesのブログ     http://ameblo.jp/fbidol/

秋山衣梨佳さん        http://ameblo.jp/erk19941118/entry-11568451560.html

For opening act, Erika Akiyama who is a winner of  “Shonen Knife” prize at an audition event called “10 minutes” performed.  She got my original song called “Shibire Ciao!” as a prize and she sang the song gorgeously.


Erika’s performance and the testimonial for “Shonen Knife prize” drawn by myself



Then, our turn for stage.  I was very nervous before the show!  But we could ROCK very much with new songs, old songs, pop and hard songs and dancing!  Full audience and the band could make a giant groove.  It was fantastic and very fun!!!

Thank you so much for the folks in Osaka!!!


We took a photo with Erika.  Oh, I can see Hozan Hyan on the back!!!


Took a picture with Hozan Hyan.


See you at Hattori Ryokuchi show on August 4th in Osaka!
