August 13th, San Diego, CA

8月13日(月) San Diego, CA “Casbah”

ロングビーチのホテルから、一旦ロサンゼルスにあるアツコの家に寄り、荷物を少し入れ替えて、Costa Mesaにある日本のスーパーMitsuwaへ。お目当ては、去年もここで食べた「山頭火」のラーメン。とってもおいしい!ここのフードコートには、「山頭火」以外にも、「麦まる」のおうどんやら、カレーライスのお店やら、日本の味が並んでいます。


We dropped at Atsuko’s house in Los Angeles from a hotel in Long Beach.  Left and took some staff, then we went to Mitsuwa market in Costa Mesa because of we wanted to eat Japanese Ramen at “Santoka”.  So yummy!  There are Udon noodles shop, curry and rice shop, and more delicious Japanese dishes at food court.

After lunch, we bought foods for dinner.  I got Japanese style breads.


There were not so much traffic jam, we arrived at “Casbah”.  I always uploaded a photo from front but for this time, I took a picture of inside.  Shonen Knife have ever played here since 90’s.  Here is by the airport and I can see big air plane above my head.  There is a railway, too.  This neighbors has a lot of artistic interior shops.

シアトルのライブから5回フロントアクトを務めてくれた「The Mallard」とは、今日が最後。アツコがセッションに参加して、ギターを弾きました。Eのオープンコードだけ、という曲です。

It was the last show with The Mallard who played 5 shows with us from Seattle’s one.  Atsuko joined for one song.  The guitar chord is just open E.


Our turn!  We could have a very good time with friendly audience.  Thank you very much.

最後に「The Mallard」のみなさんと写真撮影。「The Mallard」、かっこよくておもしろい音楽なので、はまっちゃいました。メンバーもみんなかわいい。名残を惜しんで、我々は次の目的地、アリゾナへと出かけるのであります。

We took a photo with The Mallard.  Their music is cool and interesting.  I like it.  All members are nice people.  Missing them, we depart to Arizona, the next destination.