I went to bed 5:00a.m. on Saturday after the show and got up at 10:00a.m. I ate nothing in the morning and took a shuttle to the airport at 11:00. It took only 7 minutes from our hotel to the airport. We checked in our luggage and had breakfast. I ate this sandwich. It took 3 hours to L.A.
I stayed at Atsuko’s house. In front of her house, I saw this cute cat. I ate snacks at her house and went to play tennis.
At a tennis court. テニスコートにて。
Wow! So funny! 調子に乗ってテニスしてたらこんなことに。
It was getting dark outside. 外は日暮れに。
After tennis, we ate delicious fillet steak. テニスの後はおいしいフィレステーキ。
I could be refreshed! リフレッシュできたよ。