GOKIGEN TOUR 2005 3/10



無事モントリオールに到着。ボンジュール!そう、ここはフランス語圏。TV(MUCH MUSIC)のインタビューを受けた後、今日初めての食事をタイ料理店で食べた。

March 10, 2005
Left very chilly Boston to Montreal.

Went over a mountain and cross the border. Water pet bottles got frozen in the van. The picture was taken in front of a travel information center in New Hampshire close to the border. Another was taken when one of tour crew, Nick, was having chicken.

Arrived in Montreal safely. Bonjour! Yes, French is spoken here. We took the first meal today at a Thai food restaurant after being interviewed with TV, MUCH MUSIC. There were large audience at the venue. The live gig there was so exciting than ever and was a “mosh”. We’re called back to the stage with many encores and Knife calls!