October 8, 2022 Namba Bears, Osaka

10月8日(土) 大阪・なんばBEARS アルバム「Pretty Little Baka Guy 」再現ライブ

Saturday, October 8th   Playing all songs of the  album “Pretty Little Baka Guy” show at Namba BEARS, Osaka.

家を出る前、昼食は前日に仕込んでおいた、そぼろ豆腐。甘みそ味でご飯に合います。2度目収穫の豆苗も加えて。 今日は珍しく電車で会場へ向かいます。ギターを背負って、バッグは小型スーツケース、通称コロコロで。

I had miso flavored ground beef tofu which I made the day before for lunch at home before I go to the venue. Sweet miso taste is good match with steamed rice. I put bean sprouts which I grew.

I went to the venue by train. I carried my guitar on my back and drew  a suits case.

会場のなんばBEARS到着。BEARSでライブするのめちゃくちゃ久しぶりじゃないかなぁ。 今回のライブは、「花形文化通信」のサイト内でBEARSについてのインタビュー記事「ベアーズクロニクル」に連動したイベントです。 https://hanabun.press/series/bears/

I arrived at Namba BEARS. I’m sure that it was the first time to play here after a long time. This event is presented by a website “Hanagata Bunka Tsushin” which uploads interviews regarding the charismatic music club BEARS called “BEARS chronicle”.


After all members of Shonen Knife came to the venue, we did sound check. Naru plays the bass for today.


I used to use Aria Pro2 of Rickenbacker model guitar. I used genuine Rickenbacker for today’s show because I sold my old Aria Pro2 guitar.

「Pretty Little Baka Guy 」再現ライブという事で、当時使用していたエフェクトペダルをクローゼットの奥から引っ張り出してきた。接点回復剤で蘇生!

I got my old effect pedals from deep inside my closet. It had noise but recovered by electrical contact cleaner.

本日の音響担当は保海さん。伝説のライブハウス、EGGPLANTとBEARSで80年代からお世話になっています。 https://hanabun.press/2019/08/10/bears05/

Today’s sound woman is Ms. Yasuumi. She worked at a legendary music club in Osaka, EGGPLANT and BEARS from 80’s.


After soundcheck, we went to a soba noodle restaurant for dinner. This kind of food is good for me before shows. It was yummy. Naru also chose the same one.


I bought a guitar cable at a music instrument shop before dinner. Funny Takoyaki guitar was displayed at the shop. Naru also took the same picture. I noticed it later.


I went back to the venue once but the venue was so packed and there was no space to enter. I decided to spend time at a cafe nearby. I ordered tall size caffeine less coffee because I can’t sleep at night if I take caffeine. I wanted to have small size but they only had tall size for caffeine less. The big cup reminds me of US tour.

会場に戻って10月23日東京秋葉原グッドマンのライブ告知ビデオを撮影した後、ショータイム!会場は足の踏み場もない賑わい様!ありがとう! 80年代後半のライブを再現するという観点から、オープニングSEは無し。BGMからいきなりドラムのカウントを始める事にしました。1曲目のがんばれバイソンから最後のカッパエキスまで全10曲、とても楽しく演奏できました。

Then I came back to the venue and  we took a commercial video for the next show, October 23rd at Akihabara CLUB GOODMAN, Tokyo. Then our show time started! There were so many audience at the venue. Thank you so much for coming! We didn’t use intro music when we went up to the stage because we didn’t used it in early 80’s.  Risa counted by her sticks and the show started. I enjoyed to play our early album songs.

アンコールに少年ナイフのファーストカセットアルバム「みんな楽しく少年ナイフ」から、「鶴の一声」という曲をパフォーマンスしました。事前の打ち合わせでは、ボーカルにディレイをかけてもらうはずが、手違いでかからず、私が人間ディレイをかけた一幕も。こちらはご愛嬌という事で。 お客さんにも楽しんでいただけていると嬉しいです。遠方からも見に来てくださった方々も多数。見に来てくださったみなさんに感謝致します。ありがとうございました! 終演後山本精一さんと少し歓談させて頂いた後、帰路につきました。精一さん、ガンジーさんと記念撮影するのを忘れて残念! お二人とも30年来のお知り合いなので。

ちなみに本日の共演は、ガンジー石原さんが弾き語り、TRAはR&Rハードロック、山本精一さんは、山本精一と予祝という名義で1人でエフェクターを羅列させてでかい音でギターを奏でておられました。それぞれに個性があって面白いイベントだったと思います。出演の皆さんもお疲れ様でした。 次はのライブは東京秋葉原!お楽しみに!


For the encore, we performed a song “Tsuru-no-hitokoe” from our very first cassette album, Minna Tanoshiku Shonen Knife. This song is 10 seconds long. I ordered to put delay on my vocal but the effect delay didn’t work so I sang like delay. It calls Human Delay. Anyway I hope our audience liked it. Some people came from far away cities. Thank you everyone. After show, I talked with Seiichi Yamamoto a bit and went home. I forgot to take a picture with Seiichi and Gandhi-san. Yikes! We knew each other over 30 years!

I’d like to write about other performer tonight. Gandhi Ishihara who is a solo singer with acoustic guitar. TRA played Rock’n’ roll Hard Rock. Seiichi Yamamoto made a loud noise with many effect pedals and a guitar. Every performer had each character and the event was so fun. Akihabara next. See you there!