今朝、疲れる夢を見た。地下鉄谷町線に乗ってどこかで乗り換えて目的地に行こうと思っているのになかなか着かない。挙句の果てに、目的地の寸前まで行ってたのにまた振り出しに戻っていた。途中で人に道を尋ねたが、教えられた道は階段になっていて、そこに家のないおじさんがいっぱい座っていて通れない状態だった。わたしはひどい方向音痴だが、夢の中までそうなるとは。朝起きたら体がカチコチになっていた。 I had a strange dream. I wanted to go to a destination using Tanimachi-Line of subway in Osaka but I couldn’t reach. Finally I could come near the destination but I couldn’t be there and I came back to the place I started to go. I asked the way to a woman and she showed me the way which was the steps beside me. But many men having no home was sitting on the steps. I have a poor sense of direction but even in my dream, I was just like that. Oh, boy. When I got up, I’ve gotten very tired.