Ah, I’m so busy. I have to prepare for our shows, watch Wimbledon and I went to some shows of other bands. Also summer bargain sale has started and I have to tide up my room.
The other day, I destroyed two desks and one chest to abolish. Actually not destroy but took part. But I feel like destroy. I could break them with only one hammer. It was rather easy for me. Breaking furniture, I got rid of my stress. Richie Blackmore broke guitars and he might get rid of his stress.
世の中にはいろんなバンドがあるけど、バンドによってそのお客さんのカラーも違うんだなぁ。面白いなぁ。ビジュアル系のお客さんってファッションからして一目瞭然だけど、そういうバンドじゃなくても先日のDirty Threeのお客さんみたいにライブ会場にはアートっぽいヒッピーっぽいファッションの人でにぎわっていたり、某バンドのお客さんは比較的普通かなって人たちが大多数であったり。(なにが普通やねん?自分でつっこんでます。)
There are so many kinds of bands. Audience are the same. There are various audience depends on the charactors of bands. I can easily tell Japanese visual bands’ fans because they are wearing their own kind of clothes like antique dolls.
Audience at Dirty three show was very hippie style fashion people. Looks like artistic fasion.
The other bands’ fans was very common fashion persons. The music of the band has no artistic part.
*visual band = sound is sometimes heavy metal style and lyrics are sometimes about love and occult.
All Shonen Knife fans in the world are very cool, gentle and intelligent persons. It’s true!