第2日目、Sled Island フェスティバルのライブ 会場は#1 Legion
I went to bed around 10:30 pm last night and woke up around 7:00 am this morning but it was still early and I slept again until 9:00 am. I slept very well. I always try to keep awake in day time until night and I go to bed at night because I don’t want to have jet lag. I got well conditioned.
I was hungry before noon, I went to a pub to get a sandwich with a meal ticket from the festival.
I got egg, bacon, tomato sandwich to go. It was good.
All of us met at the hotel lobby for a photo session at 3:30 pm. Kenny and Jake joined. It was our North American party’s reunion after 3 weeks. We walked to Studio Bell which is a National Music centre. The places of photo shooting were the landing and the lobby. This building was so beautiful.
We took a picture with the photographer Sebastian.
I found a big Knife sign at the neighbor.
いったんホテルに戻って機材を持って、車で会場の#1 Legionへ。徒歩で行っても5分ほどです。機材があるので車ですが。
We went back to the hotel and took our equipments and off to the venue #1 Legion by car. It was five minutes walk from the hotel but we took a car ride because of our guitars and equipments.
Then we did sound check.
This venue is a social place for Veterans of Canadian Armed Forces. We played at a similar venue on May 16 at Galveston TX, USA last month but this venue #1 Legion is huge. Capacity is 500 people.
Big wooden clock!
A fountain at the entrance
Shonen Knife good table
Silk screen posters were on sale at the venue.
We made the limited Canadian version T-shirts. This is red the Canadian color.
サウンドチェックを終えて、夕食を食べるべく外へ。会場の向かいはトラム「C Train」のセンターストリート駅です。
We finished soundcheck and went out for dinner. The other side of the venue is Centre Street station of C Train.
みんなで中華街まで歩いてDragon Chinese Restaurantというお店に行きました。6人分で99カナダドル(税、チップ別)というコースを頼みました。
All of us walked to the China town and went to Dragon Chinese Restaurant for dinner. We ordered a course menu which was CA$99.- aside from tax and tip for 6 people.
First one was soup. I chose Won Ton soup. There were three Won Tons which have a lot of minced pork in soup.
Next one was spring roll. One each for one person. I was foreseeing that a lot of food would come, I kept my spring roll until the end. If I wouldn’t eat it, I can take it to go. I might be contented with Won Ton Soup and a Spring Roll.
We chose one entree each from the menu. Unexpectedly, everyone ordered different entree. The portion was so big!! I thought that one plate was for 6 people.
This is stir-fry shrimp and celery which Atsuko ordered.
Stir-fry Beef and Broccoli with oyster sauce which other person ordered. I ate a lot of broccoli.
I ordered Chow Mein. It tasted of Chinese spice. Fried Rice were served which included the course. So much food!!
photo: taken by Miyoko
We ate and ate but the portions were so big. There were lots of leftovers. Someone got a box and put food from the leftovers. I put my Spring Roll without forgetting.
We went back to the hotel and had a rest. Fancy hotel.
Hotel lobby was beautiful.
It was still bright outside at 9 pm in Calgary. This photo was taken around 10:30 pm.
We prepared for the show at our hotel rooms and walked back to the venue. When we arrived, a front band was playing. The venue was already crowded. Yeah!
pic by Miyoko
pic by Miyoko
Then our show time! The show from 12:30 of Friday midnight was packed. The audience looked happy with our show. Thank you so much! Calgary was hot! I’d like to come back again and have a Canadian Tour some day! Sled Island is the best!
After show at the dressing room.
I drank Canadian beer. Good.
After show, we took a picture at the hotel lobby. Kenny and Jake will flight back to Georgia, US, tomorrow afternoon. Other 4 person will take early flight. Everybody did a great job!