June 3, Music is Art at Waiting Room ,Buffalo

ぐっすり寝て、お昼ご飯は宿の近くにて、サーモンバーガー。おいしかった!ナイフがグサッと刺してあるところがアメリカーン!まさしく少年ナイフバーガー。I slept well and had salmon burger for lunch. It was yummy! “Shonen Knife” is stuck in the burger. It’s very American style. 



After lunch, we went to the venue and did soundcheck.

Then we went to an art garalley and were taken a picture. I heard that my picture will be displayed. Wow! What a great honor!


Emi is modeling. えみさんモデル中。

夕食は、我らがGood Charamel Records  オーナーにして、Goo Goo Dollsのベーシスト、Robbyさん御用達のイタリアンレストランへ。バッファローチキンサラダをいただきました。デカイ!

For dinner, we went to an Italian restaurant calls Chef’s which is purveyor to our label Good Charamel’s owner aka the super bassist of Goo Goo Dolls, Robby.

ロビーさんみっけ。Found Robby.


Took a picture of “we recomend the pasta sauce”. Yum pasta sauace!


そして、会場に戻る。Went back to the venue.

The venue Waiting Room. 会場はWaiting Room.

今回のツアーで物販スタッフをして下さる、Good Charamel Recordsの美代子さんと記念撮影。美代子さんはこの日、DJ Sashimiとして最初に出演されました。美代子さん、お世話になります!

I took a picture with Miyoko from Good Charamel Records who is joining the tour as a merch lady. She played as DJ Sashimi for tonight show. Thans for everything, Miyoko!

Music is Artのイベントでは我々のサイン入りギターが当たるイベントもあるみたいです。

There is a contest of our autographed guitar at the Music is Art event.


Our first show of the tour went very well. Thanks for the audience and staff. We took a picture with Robby and Miyoko.


So, we, three will ROCK for this U.S. Tour. Anime convention show and co-head lining shows with my favorite CJ Ramone will coming! I’m so excited. Let’s have fun!