5/3 NHK Osaka Radio Show NHK大阪放送局でライブ三昧!?

5月3日(祝) この日は、NHK大阪放送局で全く違うセットリストで2ステージ演奏したよ!

On May 3rd, National holiday, we played 2 shows of totally different sets at NHK Osaka broadcasting station!


Here is NHK Osaka station.  NHK is Nippon Hoso Kyokai which is a public broadcasting station in Japan.

This building is interesting.  I like the glass sphere.


During the Japanese Golden Week, a series of national holidays in spring, many events were held at the station.


Our first show was played as “Shonen Knife”.  Not wearing animal suits.



The stage was like this.  Famous actors did talk sessions here.  During the event, it was no photo.

Various people like little kids and adults watched our show and they were smiling.  It seemed that most of all people saw us first time.  Thank you for watching our stage.


Then we moved to a big studio and had a show as “Osaka Ramones” for a radio program called “Punk New Wave Zanmai”.  It was live broadcasting.  We played 11 Ramones cover and 2 Shonen Knife songs.  I was very nervous.  My brain has a very small “CPU” but I had to memorize Shonen Knife set and Ramones songs!!


Play list for the day is on this site.  This includes very underground bands.  It’s maniac and fun.



The view from the dressing room on an upper floor.  There is Osaka Castle close to this building but I couldn’t see it.  Direction is different.

そして、いよいよ本番が来た。ライブは集中して演奏できたのではないかなと思います。スタジオに見に来てくれたお客さんも大変盛り上がっていただきました。Pinheadの演奏中には、ゲストの掟ポルシェさんが「Gabba Gabba Hey」のプラカードを持って登場してくれました。ありがとう!ちなみに、プラカードは家から持って行ったものです。自前です。へへ。

Then, the time for the show!!  I’m sure we could play well with concentration.  Audience at the studio was excited, too.  At the end of “Pinhead” song, Mr. Okite Porsche appeared with “GABBA GABBA HEY” placard.  Thanks!  The placard is ours.

ライブは興奮のうちに無事終了。その後、小さなスタジオへ移動して番組でトーク。荒木アナウンサー美人だった!お目にかかって、わたしはハッとしましたよ。ゲストは音楽評論家の小野島大さんと、掟ポルシェさん。楽しくお話ができてほんとによかった。私はBuzzcocksのFast Carsをリクエストしてかけてもらいました。番組には、リスナーの方からかわいい絵のファックスも届いていました。うれしいね。


Our show was finished successfully.  Then we moved to a small studio and talked.  Ms. Araki announcer was very beautiful.  Guests were Mr. Dai Onojima who is a music critic and a vocalist Okite Porsche.  It was great that we could talked pleasantly.  I requested Buzzcocks’ “Fast Cars” and on aired.  A cute illustration from a listener was arrived by fax.

It was a great day with tons of live performance.