August 7th A Day Off in Seattle, WA


朝10時半に宿屋を出発。宿屋のシャトルと鉄道、Link Light Railを使って街中へ到着したのは11時半ごろ。車窓から、イチローさんが居た、あのセイフコ球場が見えた。街中の駅は、電車とバスが同じレーンに乗り入れている。

We left the hotel at 10:30 a.m.  Using a Hotel shuttle and Link Light Rail, we arrived at down town around 11:30.   I saw Safeco Field.  Ichiro was playing there.   At the downtown station, train and bus uses the same lane.


Watched by a seagull through the window, we ate lunch.  Heavy cream and tastes good.


After lunch, we went to an old style mall by the sea.


Using genuine 25 cent coin and get token.  I got many tokens!!!


Cotton candy was so yummy.  5 times as much as Japanese one.  A man with his son asked me “Where did you buy it?” at outside.


The sight.  Space needle.  The first Starbucks.


At Pike Pier Market.  Tie die shirts shop, Jerky shop.  Buffalo Jerky, too.

魚屋さん。新鮮なお魚がたくさん。Fish shop.  There are a lot of fresh fish.

マーケットのようす。At the market.


Then I found DAISO Japan.  1.5 dollar shop.  I bought plastic bags, wet tissue for merch table.  There are nice goods there.

そして、またLink Light Railに乗って、チャイナタウンに行き、そこにある日本のスーパーマーケット、「宇和島屋」にてお寿司など購入。宿屋に帰っていただきました。このお魚は、アルバコアというそうで、通称、白マグロ。さっきの魚屋さんにもおいてありました。おいしかったです。

We took a Link Light Rail and got off at  China town.  There is a Japanese supermarket “Uwajimaya” there.  I bought Albacore sushi.  I ate it at hotel.  It was yummy.


Tomorrow, live in Seattle.  Thanks for long drive for our crew, Ritsuko and Emi.