September 12th – 15th photos

September 12th  @Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco

We took a picture with our audience.  Thanks!  The front band’s costumes were so cute.  We have the same kind of dresses.

I’ve heard that the bassist of this band is a bassist from Dead Kennedys.  Wow!  So cool!

9月12日、サンフランシスコのライブ会場Bottom of the Hillにて。お客さんと撮影。それからフロントアクトで出たバンドの女の人達と。ナイフの衣装にもこんなのがあります。ちなみにここのバンドのベーシストはDead Kennedysのベーシストなんだそうです。かっこいー。すてき!


September 13th, We had 8 hours drive from San Francisco to San Diego.  This is south California!


We played at Casbah in San Diego.  We could have a good time.  Thank you for coming to our show!

The day was our drummer Emi’s birthday.  She got many greetings from audience.

Before the show, we went to an Italian restaurant as usual.  We had delicious fettuccine alfredo sauce.





September 14th, Los Angeles

We had in -store show at Ameoba music in L. A.  This is the green room.  So cute.



In Store Show!  These photos were taken by L. A. Knife, Atsuko.  インストアライブの模様です。LAナイフアツコ撮影

Cute mondrian look kids were there.  かわいいモンドリアンルックの子供たちも来てくれました。

Ah, this is Los Angeles.  ああ、これぞロス。

The show at Spaceland, L.A. went very well and we had so many audience.  Arigato!  Thanks!  We could have fun!!!



September 15th, Off Day in Los Angeles

It’s very rare to have a perfect day off.  I went to play tennis with L.A. Knife, Atsuko.  We played singles for an hour and doubles with people who was playing tennis the ocourt next to ous one hour. My fatigue went away.   I could re-freshed.

9月15日、ロサンゼルスにてオフ日。  これほど完全なオフ日が取れるなんてめったにないこと。私はLAナイフ、アツコとテニスしました。1時間はシングルス、もう1時間は隣のコートでプレイしていた人達とダブルス。疲れが飛んで行って、リフレッシュできました。