September 27 This ain’t Hollywood, Hamilton ON, Canada

昨日は夜の11時半からライブが始まったので、寝るのが遅くなった。睡眠時間を確保する為、今日はサウンドチェック (日本ではリハーサルとか、リハとか言うよね。英語ではリハーサルは、練習の事を言う。) は無し、ラインチェックのみとしてもらった。ゆえ、11時ホテル発。サービスエリアで昼食。

Our show was from 11:30 yesterday and I went to bed very late. To have enough sleep, we skipped soundcheck and did line check before the show. We left the hotel at 11am and stopped at a transport cafe for lunch.


I had KFC’s chicken sandwich. I wish I could buy Japanese style chicken sandwich which are available in Japan. It’s called Wafu-Chicken Katsu-Sandwich. Anyway I ate it quickly.


8 hours after we left the hotel, we finally arrived at the venue.



A support band have already sat the stage. We put our amps on stage and sat up drum kit in the side room.


This is bar.


This picture on the poster is rare. Naru played the bass, Emi played the drums and I.


Then we went to a dressing room. It looks a private rehearsal studio. An goldfish was there. It was swimming to the water surface for taking oxygen often.


Cool drawing was on the wall.


There were two dumbbells. We tried to lift them up.


Atsuko lifted them up but she couldn’t lift them down. Risa helped her to lift them down.


When Kira came to our dressing room and tried. It seemed that it was easy for her. Nice!


Then Risa’s turn. She lifted them very easily! I was so surprised. Iron dumbbells seemed like plastic. Drummer power!


The owner and Risa.


Now I’ll try.


1. 2. 3.!


No! I can’t lift them up. Heavy dumbbells are bad for my back. Each dumbbell was 20 pound. 9 kg. Impossible! Everyone but me was great.


We made sandwich by each of ourselves using catering breads, bacon, cheese and tomato. I ate cheese on a slice of bread with mayo and mustard.

Live pics by Kira


And show time! The show was packed. Some audience moshed and crashed on other audience. It was a little dangerous but got well soon. We could have good time with great audience. Thank you so much! It was the last date of Canadian shows. I love Canada. We would like to come back.


Beers and apple cider for catering. Apple cider contains 5% alcohol. It looks like sparkling wine. Yummy.


I ate tuna mayo spaghetti after got back to the hotel. I boiled spaghetti in microwave and poured retort sauce. I went to bed around 4am.