Got up in the morning and I had a bad stomachache. It seemed that I got chilled in bed. Oh, no! I was very exhausted and left the hotel at 9am. A typhoon was coming to Houston where we stayed last night. We could avoid it but scary.
途中、Firehouse Sub’s という、消防署がテーマのサンドイッチ屋さんに寄り、みんなはそこで昼食。意地悪な虎の絵が壁にあった。わたしは断食の為、隣の1ドルショップ、日本で言う100均を見に行く。怖いハロウィングッズたくさんあった。
We dropped at a sandwich house, Firehouse Sub’s which theme is firefighters.
Everybody but me ate something there. I had better to eat nothing and went to a dollar store next to the sub’s which is like a 100 yen shop in Japan. Scary Halloween goods were sold.
Dropped off our luggage and went to the venue.
It’s a long way to the
top if you want to rock’n’roll.
I don’t like long stairs. It’s impossible to carry heat equipment to upstairs.
Wow! There is a small lift. Jake said that when he came here last time, there was no lift. Oh, boy.
A roller of our guitar cabinet was broken from a few days ago. It’s so inconvenient. We should repair.
I wish our bass bass cabinet had rollers, too.
Loaded in and soundcheck.
Twist Barbie のカクテル飲んでみたい!おいしそう。
I’d like to try Twist Barbie cocktail. It seems yummy.
We ordered foods from the restaurant at the venue for dinner. I had spinach, mushroom and cheese quesadilla. It was good. If I didn’t have stomachache in the morning, I would eat everything but I ate half of it and took away the leftover.
I went to a drugstore CVS to buy HALLS candies. I could buy my favorite honey lemon flavor.
At CVS, a magazine for Joker was sold. Hmm…
I came back to the dressing room and drew Drumhead Art after a few days. I draw the shape from the front and put colors from the other side.
We did a short photo session 30 minutes before the show and played.
Live pics by Kira
It was a hard day for me but thanks to kind audience, we could have a great time during our show. Thanks a lot!
Went back to the hotel and slept quickly after taking a shower. We have to drive 526miles, 850km tomorrow. It’s a same distance from Osaka to Sendai, London to Aberdeen or a little shorter than Melbourne to Sydney or Paris to Munich! So far!