3時過ぎにロンドンのホテルを出発。いくら寝ても寝足りなくて、出発時間までどこにも行かずに、朝昼兼用ご飯も手持ちの食料で賄いました。ホテルを出て30分後、会場のThe Garage 着。
We left the hotel in London around 3pm. I couldn’t have enough sleep no matter how I much slept. I didn’t go anywhere until the departure time. I ate some food I had for my branch. After 30 minutes drive, we arrived at The Garage.
The venue is very close to a Tube station. The location is excellent!
Inside of the venue. Huge and beautiful! The stage is high enough to watch from the floor.
We sat up the merch table and went to get food. We went to McDonald’s near by.
I bought Filet-O-Fish and cafe au lait and ate at the dressing room. I had to eat food quickly.
We were very busy before the show time. I felt that the show time came very quickly. The show was started from 8:45pm. It was a big venue but the show was packed with many Shonen Knife fans. Everyone there seemed enjoying our show. I just want to say thank to everyone who came to our show! This picture is “after party “. The floor was wet by beer.
Atsuko and Yuki who support our merch. Thank you so much!
Keisuke who is a famous Japanese musician, a member of Ulfluls came to see us. I was surprised to see him in London. Thank you for coming! I was happy to see him.
Anyway, it was very busy day but I was so happy to see many people. Thanks a lot!!!!!
(I upload live pictures later.)