12 April Art Centre, Norwich


I bought sushi and pastry at a supermarket near by for my branch. We can see sushi at most of all major supermarkets in Britain. Atsuko and Risa often buy sushi and they say ‘Taiko’ sushi is the best. I bought it.


Of course sushi is good but I like pastry with icing better.

ロンドンを出て2時間半、Norwich の会場、Art Centreに到着。2年前にもここでライブしに来ました!

We arrived at Art Centre, Norwich after 2.5 hours drive from London. We played here 2 years ago.


Space of Art!


Stage is beautiful!

サウンドチェックの前に時間があったので、近くの楽器屋さんへシンバルを買いに行きました。一昨日、割れちゃったので。楽器屋さんで、お店の人に「君たち少年ナイフ?」って聞かれて、「日本語の響きは素晴らしい!日本語でI love you.ってどう言うの?」って聞かれたので紙に書いて教えてあげました。お店の人がフレンドリーだったので、シンバル購入。ピカピカです。

We went to a music instrument store close to the venue before sound check because our cymbal was cracked. A man at the store asked us, “Are you Shonen Knife?”. He said that the sound of Japanese language is beautiful and asked that how do we say I love you in Japanese. We taught him. Since he was friendly, we bought a cymbal. It’s so shiny.


We got gifts from our fan after sound check. They were roses, teddy bears and chocolate. Thank you so much.


We were so hungry and waited the dinner. The venue served tomato stew with tortilla chips. I topped cheese a lot as usual. It was yummy.


今日もパワー全開でライブしました!たーくさんのご来場ありがとうございました!!Norwich また来たいです。(ライブ写真は追ってアップしますね。)

Tomato stew was in a big pan.

We played with much energy tonight, too. There were so many audience.Thanks for coming. We hope to come back again soon.

(I’ll upload Live Photo later.)