We left London before noon and drove to Cardiff with Jack and Pep. It was Easter.
we loaded fed equipment in our van.
We stopped at a service area and had Katsu Curry. Chicken cutlet and curry tasted good but rice was too much al dente. Cutted cutlet by scissors.
We left the service area and checked in the hotel first then loaded in the venue. I can imagine that we’ll get so busy for the first day of the tour.
Tickets were sold out! Yay!
The venue is The Gate, an old church but inside is modern.
会場の、The Gateは、古い教会。内装はモダン。
Inside of the venue was heated by audience’s energy.
So busy in the dressing room for preparing of the show and merch. A mini bottle of red wine was catered. I don’t drink before shows for my concentration. I looked forward to drinking it after show. I ate blueberry.

The show of the first night went very well. Thank you for coming to our show!