4月1日(水) 福岡 Queblick


Photo: 博多人形 Hakata Doll


We checked out a hotel in Hiroshima in the morning and tried to go to Fukuoka but our car’s engine didn’t work. We called to JAF (Japan Automobile Federation, like AAA in U. S. ) and found trouble point but our car still does not work. We rented a car and losing our equipment, went to Fukuoka. 



Arrived at the venue. 


The audience and we were excited during our show. We had a great time. 


ライブ後は、お約束のとんこつラーメン!noodles とヌードルをいただきました。んめ。

After show, we ate Ramen noodles with members of the noodles. 



Of course I ordered refill noodles. 


ボーナスショット: 道中の桜。関門海峡にて。

Cherry trees at Kanmon Channel. 



After a day of the show date, it’s today, we returned the rent-a-car in Hiroshima. Then our own car worked and we are coming back to Kansai area. Now I’m around Kobe city. The day after tomorrow, we’ll play in our hometown Osaka! ROCK!