Tilburg, Netherland
9月22日(日)「Incubate Festival」 オランダ、ティルブルク
4 hour drive took us to Tilburg, Netherland from Paris, France. There are lots of music clubs and restaurants around a beautiful church in front of a green park.
Incubate Festivalは、地元のライブハウス何軒かを使って行われているライブサーキット。アメリカのサウスバイサウスウエストみたいな感じです。小さな町なのに、たくさんのライブハウスがあって、誰でも気軽にお酒を飲みながら、ご飯を食べながら音楽を楽しむことが生活の一部になっている。うらやましい限りです。
1番大きな会場では、Built to Spillが演奏していたので、さっそく見に行きました。家でもよく聴いています。
Incubate Festival is a live circuit using music clubs in town. It’s like SXSW in Austin, Texas USA. Tilburg is a small town but there are many music clubs and everybody can enjoy music with drinking and eating naturally. It’s wonderful thing.
Here is our venue. There are 3 venues in this building. Ours are the 2nd size. I’ve heard that many Death Metal bands played here yesterday.
At the biggest venue, Built to Spill was playing. I often listen to their album at home.
私たちの英国のレーベルオーナー、Georgeのバンド、Former Utopiaも出演したので、応援しに行きました。イギリスらしいシブい音楽です。
Our UK label owner, George’s band Former Utopia played at a club, too and we went to see and cheer up them. It’s British cool music.
そして、一昨年アメリカツアーで数か所一緒に回った、サンフランシスコのバンド、Shannon and the Clamsも別のライブハウスに出演していたので、見に行きました。お客さん踊ってましたよ。
We went to another club to see Shannon and the Clams who toured with us 2 years ago in North America. People were dancing.
夕食のケータリングはこちら。チキンクリームパスタでした。食堂でShannon and the Clamsのみんなに会ったので旧交を温めつつ記念撮影。ええキャラしてはるわ~。
This is catering for dinner. It was chicken cream pasta. I saw the members of Shannon and the Clams and talked.
Our show time was the very last of the 3 days event. I was wondering that people will stay until late at night for our show because the next day was Monday but it was no use worrying for it. So many people came to our show and the venue was packed. How people in Netherland like Rock music! I was very happy about that and thank to the audience and kind staff at Incubate festival. What a cool Festival Incubate is!